Use Rules, Smart Split and Auto-publish to specify specific ways that data should be treated when paperwork from particular suppliers, payment methods or users are submitted.
Note: this feature is only available on Business Plus, Premium, Streamline & Optimize products. Find out more about the different Dext Prepare products here.
Read the other articles in this section to learn more about:
- Supplier Rules - specifications in how paperwork from a particular supplier should be coded or described
- User rules - specifications on which Payment Methods or Projects should be applied to paperwork submitted from a particular user.
- Smart Split - specify how paperwork from a particular vendor should be split into line items
- Auto-publish - automatically publish coded paperwork from a specific supplier to an integrated accounting software.
Rules and Smart Split are applied as soon as an uploaded item has finished the extraction process. Setting a Rule or a Smart Split will affect current and future items in the Inbox.